Saturday, April 5, 2014


It's all going to 
Come back 
To bite you on the A**

Everything you write 
Everything you say -
So why 
I ask -
do we even talk 
At all 

Why don't we have the sense 
To see this coming -
And shut up 

But what fun 
Would that be ?

As a child 
With no one to talk to 
A blank piece of paper 
Was a friend -
Someone who 
Would listen to 
All my moanings 
And groanings 

Now, I have no excuse 
Other than 
Pure cussedness -

I have learned to read, 
To write 
And to think 

And someone 
( maybe Al) 
Invented the 
Internet . . .

So now we write 
For a cloud of nebulousness 
Who is it 
That's out there?

That's the interesting bit 
I have no idea 
Who's listening 
Who's reading 
 But still, 
Like eating chips,
I dip 

Into the 
Guacamole . . .

Gently Rocking Train

Just nothin' like a 
Glass of wine on a 
Gently rocking 

Pacific surf liner -
In the dark 

And you by my side -

Muted conversation
Shuffling cards -

- on the phone -

-Can't see the scary tunnel 
When it's dark outside -
Will probably hear it 
And wish 
For another glass -
Of wine 

But must maintain 
In public -

Can't be too comfortable 

Just -

On the edge of relaxing -
Thanking all the gods ---
We are not 
Driving !!!

Train and Subway to LA

Train and subway to la. 
To see a play. 
There's a time for everything
I always swore I would never go 
Beneath the streets to ride 
In the dark 
In earthquake country 
I kept my eyes closed 
The whole way. 

Relieved there was no 
On the Richter scale . . .

A Play about Mormons
In darkest Africa 
They come through my neighborhood-

But what about women ?
What about divine mother 
Don't they know her 
In her brilliant light 
What of their hearts 
And their bliss 
And the joy 
     Of the Holy Spirit 

What has that to do 
With golden plates? 
The gold would be the color 
Of the chakra that opens 
And showers us with
Droplets of 

Friday, April 4, 2014


Speaking to Siri 
Letting her right
SHe doesn't know right from right

I could say, letting her type
But then how would the creative process
Be affected by machine

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Blood From A Turnip

How to get more blood 
Out of this turnip?
Only so much income 
Inflation . . . Inflating 

I'm old enough to remember 
25 cents a gallon 
Difference was 
That quarter was made 
Of silver . . .

Scarey when you think 
     About it 
Now it's all bits 
     And bites
In an electronic 
     Brain somewhere 
Science fiction---
     Back when I 
Was reading 
     Science fiction -

And what happens when 
The sun spot comes 
And wipes away all
Traces of numbers from 
The giant inter-web-net
     Brain ?
What if it gets
     A headache ? 
Is there an excedrin 
     Large enough 
An asprin for that ? 

"Take two 
And call me in the 
Doctors used to say 

It's inevitable that someday
Something will disrupt 
It's concentration 
Computers. . .
I don't really trust such 
Complicated things 

And what about when 
They begin
To talk to 
Each other 

Where will we be 

If only I could add 
A few more zeros 
To the account
Zeros being worth nothing 
But turning 1000
Into 10000
Into 100,000

One could dream of 
Having a checking account 
Like that. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Disappearing Act

Today at the temple 
The air was clear 
The clouds were high 
Above the Santa Barbara 

The breeze was cool 
My mind ran hot 

Just like the old cars 
With their radiators steaming 
On the California mountain roads

Should I or should I not ? 
What will he think 
     And should I care ? 
Can I give up
     Must I not 
Which is 
Where and 
and why is it 
Always all 
My fault ?

I will not sit. 
I will merely bow. 
Myself and myself 

But then
I get 
Settled in
And ask for help 
From above 

As if by magic
I am transported to where 
My mind can get 
     Some air . . .
The poor overworked thing 
Allowed to rest 
To expand into 
     Whence it came 
The feeling of 
To again visit this 

The feeling of 

I give thanks 
I have found 
     This place 
This place inside 
Where I can go 
To disappear. . .

Do we have a choice?

What's it doing raining here?
- in the middle of a drought year -

They build and build
Another five hundred
Unit building 
More condos in the river bed
And then they cry and complain
Where will the water come from 
For these units
-As the rain water rushes to the 

Who are they?
Do they invest
From someplace 

My great grandfather 
Farmed oranges in 
Orange County 
Now oranges come from
Shipped to the millions of people
Who live

What do we do 
With the land 
With the place 
Where we live 
Do we turn it into asphalt 
And concrete?
Do we grow nutritious food 
And stroll in 
Gardens and 
In forests 

I suppose we 
Have a choice