Sunday, April 14, 2024

This Material World

 This Material World

Seems so flat and sharp.

Things are hard here.

(Especially when one runs into something by mistake.)

(The leg still hurts. Ow.)

We seem to be stuck in this condition. 

Materially speaking. 

With only one way out 

Which is love. 

The Spiritual Journey. 

Is the one we are all on. 

It has many permutations 

Twists and turns 

Blind alleys and dead ends 

But we keep going 

Because we have tasted 

The chocolate 

The one the mystics speak of 

And we are greedy. 

We want more of that 

And more. And more. ❤️

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Oh Computers

 oh computers ...

I am not so afraid of you now 

--having said that, I try never to rely on you too much--

either .

I'm still the sort who feels that 

"if they want my money 

they can send me a bill".


My friend, who does all things 


is constantly 

on the phone with tech support and reloading and redoing 

and totally freaking out 

about it 


I desire as much freedom from freaking out 

as I can possibly afford 

but losing some of the fear of it is a good thing 

it's amazing how far we've come 

and how dependent we have become -

and everyone says well just google it, 

just fax that, just copy to a pdf and 

spin it up into the air and just try and get the printer 

to recognize the computer -

oh silly human

that just ain't gonna happen

and when the day comes 

that they begin to repair each other 

and begin to improve upon our design 

and begin to build themselves even better 

will they think of us, silly humans, as unnecessary appendages, 

partners on the path?,

or something like fleas 

which need 

to be gotten rid of ...

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Welcome Back

 looking back 

and forward again 

getting older

but somehow stronger 


yes closer

to what it means to be here 

human, vulnerable, 

     all of that 

connected to 

some greater source 

of being, becoming 

we see more now 

     what's important 

and we know now 

so much more about 

     what we want

Welcome back.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

On utube starting
Unicorn TV 123
