Friday, May 2, 2014

Long Dresses

Reading about the 
"Good old days" 
When doors were opened 
For us 
And spring came gently 
With muslin skirts 
And flowery hats. 

Elegant carriages 
(But oh, the horses 
I do feel sorry 
For them) 
( and no antibiotics, 
What then?)

It boggles the imagination. . , 
But does make for a good story 
-Can't wait to see how it 

She will undoubtedly hook up 
With the old lover she 
Is pining for 
And all will be sunshine 
Once again -

And I pine for you 
But for different reasons , . .
It is a different time 
I can come and go 
I have freedom 
I have rights 

The court can say 
He needs to 
Stay away -
I - as a woman -
Have every right 
To that !

And long dresses 
Would get old -
Real fast