Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rotten Machine

Having just poured my heart out
On this stupid thing 
- another rotten machine! - 
I push the wrong button and 
All my heart-felt musings disappear 
Like dust 

It was a long tome
About how I'm feeling 
And what I've been going 

Instead of pushing save 
I mistakenly pushed 
Go away 

Go away forever 
Don't bother us 
No one will ever 

Wouldn't it be wonderful 
If that's all it took -
Just write it 
Just relight it 
And then push 

We could write about our 
And make them 
Go away 

We could write about 
Our bills and our boyfriends 
And they would begin 
To behave 

Oh my 
Is there an app for that? 
The app for disposing of 
Problems and of pain. 

Is it free? 
It seems a little too
"Twilight Zone" to me -
Can you imagine what 
Rod Serling would have done 
With apps! 
And cell phones -
World wide webs -
And drones ?
Not to mention 
     Global warming 
Siri and 
And apples 

It begins to spin 
Out of control
Faster and 

Let's see if I can save this 
Without blasting it 
Into a black hole!!!