Saturday, July 11, 2015


Where are all the 
Hoards of People ?
We've worked so hard -
Cleaning out our cupboards 
And deciding what to 
This belonged to my Aunt 
She had a long and interesting 
But in the end 
Things didn't go 
So well -
How can I sell 
Her treasures 
At the sale? 
But how long should they 
Sit in their box 
In the garage ?
What if 
I ever wanted to get 
A car in there 
Life is not about 
Stuff -
But -
This is AMERICA 
And so
It sort of 

And there's a band 
God save us - !
Singing loud 
Out of tune 
Back from their break 
They bravely carry 
I put the only two dollars 
I made 
Into the tip basket -
I lied 
And at church no less 
The church 
Bizarre -
Bazaar !
We had great hopes 
     Coming here -
Lots of money 
And lots more room 
In our various garages 
And closets 
Almost like adding on 
     Another room 
Like people with money do -
Space -
Like they have 
In those magazines 
(Note to self) 
Looking at those 
Magazines - 

You know the ones -
Where everything looks chic
Even the junk
And is somehow color
"Colour" coordinated 

As the band sings 
An off key rendition 
Of my favorite song 
I remind myself 
     Was never meant to be 
     Any better than it is 
Or it would be.