It's a question of balance
this meditation, contemplation thing
how far into the abyss do you dare to go
how much of yourself
can you let go
how much of this bliss
are you willing to become
and then the fussing baby
in the mission church
and then the tourist with the camera
and the children
our heart agrees to let them all in
the example
that we have
of the candles
and the christ
and i sit
and the people come and go
the Mary Statue
is a great inspiration to me
the balance on the head of a pin
the razor's edge
as thoughts come in
and come and go
i don't own them
they don't own me
the peace, the space
is more important
to me now
what is the answer
who asks the question
the balance
of a surfer on a wave
the expansion
the peaceful, blissful communion
i want to stay forever
the body can only sit so long
thank you to the indians who built this place
this place of peace
on a busy street
and the belief of the people
that keeps the doors open
for a stranger to
come in
to sit
to sit in peace