Oh God
November 13
The first Christmas Carol
Is heard Blasting over
the sound system
at my favorite
latte shop
In A Shell Sits Deo---
I had forgotten
how much I hate
"enforced caroling"
"captive caroling"
love the songs
but they are ruined by
Blasted at us for
2 and 1/2 months!
It's time to revise
my life...
It's time to begin
staying out of stores
and coffee houses
I would pass a law
if I could
that only
acoustic instruments
may ever
be used
in singing these songs
of our Lord and Lady
unplug everyone
through the season
only Yule logs
and reindeer
no ear buds
in ears
No i pod, pad
Love notes
could be notes
Hand written
by hand
General Petraeus
could then have
burned the evidence
of his great love
I was in love once
and I know
moving heaven
and earth
to be with
the beloved
much better
to be in love
with God
no emails
needed then
only the heart
sending messages
to the eternal friend
no CIA way
to intercept