Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Tango Cloud

the tango stage show 
was beautiful 
with many young people 
showing their 

and yet,
i remember 
my favorite partner- 
who doesn't move so well 
-is elderly now 
and yet- 

and yet 
we can create 
the cloud 
so easily 
so effortlessly 
it seems like 
we are 
the only two 
in the room  

the tango cloud 

the one we ride 
-the closeness 
we create 

-for only a few minutes 
and then we return 
to our respective corners 
     of the room 
and to our life partners 
     after having shared 
an intimacy of movement 
     which cannot be portrayed 
     on stage 

no matter how well they dance 
-how high they throw their partner 
-how fast they run 

it is more important 
by far 
to me-
to create the cloud 
to enjoy it 
to ride around on it 
to be enveloped by it 

to be held 
in the arms 
of my favorite 


simple things

in life
it is good
to be thankful for
the simple things

the gas guy came
the heater works

it is not good to be
with a thermostat
begging it to tell the heater
to turn on
cursing at it
pounding on it
-crazy people
do this. . .


beginning to shiver
beginning to think
another astronomical bill
will be coming

it is good to have heat

I have begun to believe
in the old saying-
people make plans
     and the Gods

I have begun to see
there is a difference between
what I can plan and
what I can want
what is

What is-
is the way it is
The way it may be

My plans are
based upon some ego idea
based upon some past
-some premise

these plans
have no bliss
in them
no inherent presence

the way it is,
a part of God's plan
and therefore
of presence
and bliss

who knew? 

Rat's Nest

Mention a rat in a poem
And adds for exterminators

They don't know it's  you
I am referring to-

They think it's the furry little cute guys
Who get in your attic
And create havoc

Not the furry little cute guy
Who got in my life
And began to nest
Became a pest
And then
Wouldn't go away

Would that they could understand
Sometimes a woman needs an exterminator-
For the relationship which
Has made a nest and
Set up housekeeping

Advertise for that service
If you will

There is a need here-
A brilliant business idea

-Needs a plan
Some venture capital
And then

No more rat's

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Joyous Abandon

Money and time
Time and money

How much of either
Is really worth our time

Being In the moment
Seeing in the moment
Holding you
In the moment

How many moments do we have
Left together
How could I live
If you would leave

This is why it is better
To never fall in love
This is why I do not take
That advise

I am not good
With advise
I feel like I am
Rushing toward a cliff


Monday, January 20, 2014

Writing While Running

Writing while running
Wondering why

Pondering levels, dimensions in space
And time
A person is a thing
And a personality
Is solid and right-
As in correct-
As in structure
And circumstance

Writing while running
And wondering why
Waiting for the next
Proverbial shoe
To drop

What will it be
The next emergency

I have hoped for the
Simple life

The one serene
The one advertised
In advertisements

I long for that
Where All appliances function
And we know
What we're running from

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Military discipline!

When u kiss me
What does it mean

Do I replace someone
Do u even know me

Do I even care
Recklessly I run ahead

I always have

I have trouble with chocolate
And with love

I don't have much whatchamacallit
I must think. . .
Oh yes
Self restraint. . .

Military discipline!

Love and wine

God is love
They say

I have seen it
And I know it to be true

But it makes the moments
We are apart
That much more difficult
And empty

There is no barrier, they say,
Except the ego
Which gets in the way

Ego says it knows the way
It wants to stay
And run the show

It doesn't know
That without it
Is the only way to go
The only way to be free
Is to be free
Of me

There is this wine
Of the mystic sort
The taste is fine
Constructed of sweetness
Existing in an eternity
Of its own making

How can the ego say
The wine is no good
Go away

How can the ego say
I have other things to do

This body's getting older
Time is running by
To what will the ego cling
When it is gone?