-Finally done it
Tired of huge bills
And nothing on-
But oh I will miss
Duck dynasty-
Pulled the plug-
Cut the cable-
in a rush of
Budget constraint-
All the news
I won't know-
All the tragedy I will hear about
Only in passing
Only second or third hand-
What will I need to know
That I won't know
And how will this affect me?
The earth shook last evening-
It was a long gentle shaking-here-
A gentle movement
Of the earth
One waits
One does not know
Will it stop
Or will it grow
Will this be the big one
Which causes us to
Slip into the sea?
I won't know
Until I'm actually swimming
That it is so
There will be no commentator
To tell me
What I should
The used videos at the thrift store
Two dollars apiece
I watch them avidly
A movie with no commercial
How nice
How novel
Who knew?
"What if they gave a war
And nobody came "
What if tv viewers
Did the same-
All those advertising dollars
Flapping in the breeze with
No one to tease
It's quieter here
More time to
To contemplate
Maybe I will
Get things done
Which I have left
It is raining ??
I will step outside and