Friday, May 9, 2014


Dodged a few bullets 
Lately -
Thanking the gods 
For that -
Waiting for the next ones -
Knowing they'll come. 
Also knowing that - that's 

Obviously ordained 
To be that way 
And therefore 
Somehow sacred
No matter how much "i"
Do not approve. 

This evening about 
The incredible conduct of 
Very "x"
How could they imagine that 
Cruelty and jealousy are
Appropriate -

Don't they know 
It all comes back 
On us -
Our hearts are closed 
To the extent 
We close them 
To others 

I suppose they mean 
To hurt us 
Because they 
Have been hurt 

Forgive and forget 
Forgive and forget 

Should have all been done 
By now 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Jury duty ---
Save me please !
Boredom has descended 
With palpable palpability

Someone should study this 
Some scientific research is needed 
When people refuse to do this 
Our civilization is through 
It will have crumbled into 
Dust -

This one guy here 
Can sleep 
Sitting up
Why is it guys 
Can do that ?
And I can't. 

My friend will descend
Into dreams 
In the middle of something important 
I'm saying
And awake apologetically 
When I'm done -

As I was saying,
Our civilization 
Will be done -
When we don't allow "them"
To treat us 
This way -
To coral us 
To imprison us 
- For just the day 
So that we may decide 
Which others of us 
Must be imprisioned -
Where they can get 
Free food and lodging 
Paid for by us 

There is a logic here 
I sure of it 

I'm almost 
Certain that this 
Makes sense to someone 
In the great halls 

Sunday, May 4, 2014


He's been to the jungle 
He's taken the drugs 
Led by shamans
He's seen the inside of his head 

Now, one would hope, 
Some knowledge of 
     The heart 
Might be 
That the sky might 
     Open up 

That he might see the heart 
-The spiritual connection 
With -

There is no explanation for 
What he's done 
What he's seen 
But the size of the bugs 
Was obscene . . .

Am I jealous that some people 
Have the health 
To travel ?

I suppose . . .

But from what I've been told 
The greatest journey 
Is within -
The greatest test of courage 
Is to meet ourselves 
In silence 
And let God come in 
And be our friend 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Long Dresses

Reading about the 
"Good old days" 
When doors were opened 
For us 
And spring came gently 
With muslin skirts 
And flowery hats. 

Elegant carriages 
(But oh, the horses 
I do feel sorry 
For them) 
( and no antibiotics, 
What then?)

It boggles the imagination. . , 
But does make for a good story 
-Can't wait to see how it 

She will undoubtedly hook up 
With the old lover she 
Is pining for 
And all will be sunshine 
Once again -

And I pine for you 
But for different reasons , . .
It is a different time 
I can come and go 
I have freedom 
I have rights 

The court can say 
He needs to 
Stay away -
I - as a woman -
Have every right 
To that !

And long dresses 
Would get old -
Real fast 

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Zen Bird

Wishing I could fly 
Not with feathers 
Not with wings 
But the spirit sort 
     Of bird 
It rises from the ashes of 
The mundane 
Of the everyday 
It soars 
It banks 
And sings 

It leaves behind 
All petty things 
It knows the way 
     To go 

The spirit bird requires 
Some attention 
     Now and then 
All sorts of cages 
Are made for it 
-Attempt to trap it 
     -To distract it 

I will tie 
A string around my 
To remember to remember 
In the midst of it all 
-All the clamoring, crying, sighing 
-All the silliness 
Of life 

The zen bird flies 
     Above it -
Now I need to 
Hitch a ride 


Trying to find an app. 
That is not connected 
A calendar that would be mine only 
Not one that would 
Notify google 
Of all that I do 
Can't find it 
We've gone beyond 
That sort of privacy
We no longer control our 
Own devices 
Someday my toaster will 
Will tell
On me 
My tv will look back at me 
And say 
Something critical 
I just know it will
Oh you look like you've gained 
A little weight dear
Gained a wrinkle and a 
Grey hair -
Where does it stop 
And do I care 
I have a certain resistance 
To it 
Thinking one might need some 
But that's gone 
The eye in the sky is
Looking down 
But when I sit down 
It can't tell how deep I get 
It cannot know if I transcend 
- yet 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Just One of Those Days

Just one of those days 
So tired 
And alone -
Relishing being alone . . .
Too tired to deal 
With people and their problems 
And their talking 
And their walking 
And their brains busy spinning 
Love them 
Every once in awhile 
It's one of those days 
And the ice cream truck going by 
Is too much! 

Need this space 
Need this time 

To rest and dream 
To get back In touch 
With the presence of -

I guess this means 
I am not a type A personality-
Maybe a type 
R- as in rest 
Or a type M
As in meditate 
- a type H 
As in hermit 

Please don't be the type that 
Walks to the store and buys chocolate. 
Oh dear - ! -

Where's my wallet?