Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Dance

So tired of 
So ready to 
Just want 
     To be 

I can't become 
The one you want 
I am not her 
Please allow me 
To be 

But now -
What is this ?
Is he learning 
     To turn 
To lead 
     To walk 

     To tango ?

The gods laugh 
     That's what they do 
For now there is 
     No way 
Those tall shoulders 
     Can be left 
To chance 
     Now there is 
No way 
I cannot 
Dance - !

Sunday, May 25, 2014

after all

can't force it 
this muse 
where has she gone 
today ?

i guess there's nothing 
to say - 

these fragile bodies 
we think we're so special . . .
and we are 
I know we are !

just think about it 
won't you?
all this time and space 
exists - 
all these plants and trees 
to make oxygen 
for me ! 

yes, we mess it up 
here we 
     still are 

gravity holds us down -
which is created by 
the earth spinning round
or the fact that it's so big 
to begin with -
either way, 
     it's awesome   

the sun comes up 
the sun goes down 
without that 
where would we be?

who thought this up 
It wasn't me 
It was all built up
for us 

to experience 
these experiences 
of being human 
here and now

wants us to 

probably would like 
some thanks 

and then there's our 
connection to 

that's the most important 
it gives us a feeling of being 
and belonging 
and life 
and love
and light 

i guess the muse 
had something she 
wanted to say 

after all   

Sunday, May 18, 2014


I look around 
And I see no 
Zen flowers 
Anywhere  :-(

This being has not been 
The infinate 

This body 
Has been 
With fever 
For days -
Has been 

Don't want to 
This way -
Without the flowers -
The product 
Of contemplation -
The daisys of 
The roses of 
Heart felt 

The spice 
Of life 
Has been lacking 

What did Rumi do 
When he felt like 
***** ?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Waiting. . .

Waiting -
Waiting for lunch 
     Late lunch 
     U said u'd be here at 2:00
It's two 
And I'm hungry
What to do 

How late will u b ? 
Wait 10 min 
Or 15 
What's the rule ?
11 minutes 
Will have to do. 
I'm too hungry to
Wonder anymore
About the etiquette 
Of the situation . . .

And this is why 
A woman must have 
Her own money 
Can't depend 
On some people . . . 

You and your excuses 
I'm sure you'll have one 
I won't ask 
Being with u 
(And eating) 
Will be enough
To calm
The raging beastie
Inside the mind 
- looking for answers 
To Unfathomable 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


- - -
Global warming . . .
- - -
When I came here 
Thirty odd years ago 
We had summers of 
June gloom, 
May grey 
We never saw 
The sun 
It was a local joke 
Want sun? 
Drive to Ojai 
Twenty degrees difference 
Twenty miles away 
Bright sunshine. 

Something's changed 
It's hot, hot, hot 
And it's only 

We used to go to the beach 
On Christmas Day 
Just because we could 
It was our little ritual 
With family
So far flung 

Warmer then on Christmas 
Than in May 

Now it's just hot 
My garden doesn't know 
What to do 

Spring flowers 
Used to drippy fog 
Are wilting early 
I suppose we'll 
Adjust -
The outdoor shower 
Will be used to cool -
Indoors we'll adjust 

Old electrics barely support 
The little window box cooler
But it helps if 
One gets near enough 

Hot flashes have helped 
This one learn to tolerate 
Extremely warm 
Conditions -
Learn to sweat !
Even if genteel women aren't 
Supposed to 

No one told the 
Maker of 
Such a requirement 

But if it gets any hotter 
What then -
If food can't grow? 

Tonight I go 
To dance some tango 
It will be warm 
The doors will be open 
To the street 
Maybe much like 
Buenos Aires 

People walking by 
Look in with curiosity 
What is this foreign 
Scene ?
Americans dancing 
Just as if 
They knew 
How -
Americans enjoying
Embracing one another 
And moving with grace -
And you will arrive late 
And I anticipate 
Your particular embrace. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bar be que

Old friends 
And new ones 
Bar be que ones 

Friend s 
What a special thing 
It is 
To get together 
Around an outdoor 
And sip wine and 
Talk of things 

-Get to know 
Some people 
From a different 

What do they do 
And how do they
do it?
What do they know 
How do they know it ? 

I get to see 
My life, my time,
My choices 
From some 
Other perspective 

I have chosen 
And life has chosen 
For me 

And I do 
The best 
I can 

Some have energy 
Some don't 
Some have courage and 
The ability 
To cope 

It's good to see -
To get to know 
And what their minds 
Are made of 

And where their hearts 
Have gotten 

Friday, May 9, 2014

No Small Thing !

Butterflies circling -
Playing in a spring garden 
Breeze cooling -
The hot flashes. 
The morning tea 
Brings on 

Freeway sounding distant 
Today -
I slept last night !
And dreamed of 
Many things. 
Workmen taking my 
House apart -
Eating it -
There was a dog 
On my lap 
At a race track 
Don't know what to think 
About that 
The man-friend was there -
But distant 

I have a friend who believes in 
Lucid dreaming 
I think I've done enough -
For one day -
And would rather not -
Dream at all 

Some say the butterfly dreams 
That It is a human sometimes 
Or that this world 
Is a dream 
And we will awake 
Some day -
The Buddha was awake 
And then had 
So much to say 
About it -

I'm tired of talking 
I have existential fatigue -
Along with being 
Old -

But I can give thanks 
For this shade 
And this way 
Of being today 

Nothing hurts 
I have food 
And a place to stay -

The hummingbird comes 
Curious -
And several types of 

If I were a painter 
I would paint 
- today- 
As such -
I am thankful 
I am not -
What a lot of bother 
With brushes and tubes 
Of paint 

I am only compelled to 
Try to describe -
In words 
The glory of 

No small thing!