Here we all are
In spinning space
If we just stop a moment and
A moment -
We can then reach
Some sense of connection
That bit of contact
Is precious
And well worth giving up
A bit of rushing about -
For it
We haven't got
That much longer to find
This joyfulness -
Secret is -
It belongs to us
As our right
- Bought by
Being here
They may tell you
It isn't yours
And belongs to someone
(They most surely will)
They will make rules and schools
- And add robes
And hats
Have you noticed that
It's always hats -
Hats for this
And hats for that -
It seems they fight wars
Who wears which hat
Or cap, or scarf -
Just so
Who can wear what
And when
Upon their head
Or cut their hair or not
Or beard or
Lamb chops
Or not
Why is it anybody's business
But ours ?
I wonder
This spinning ball
We rest upon
Will probably not be disturbed
By headwear
This corner of the galaxy may
Get along quite nicely
Knowing about
The headgear perched upon
The puny