Monday, February 8, 2016


Here we all are
In spinning space 
If we just stop a moment and
     A moment -
We can then reach 
Some sense of connection 

That bit of contact
Is precious 
And well worth giving up 
A bit of rushing about -
     For it 

We haven't got 
That much longer to find 
This joyfulness - 

Secret is -
It belongs to us 
As our right 
     - Bought by 
Being here 

They may tell you 
It isn't yours 
And belongs to someone 
(They most surely will) 

They will make rules and schools 
 - And add robes 
     And hats 
Have you noticed that
It's always hats -
Hats for this 
And hats for that -
It seems they fight wars 
Who wears which hat
Or cap, or scarf -
Just so
Who can wear what 
And when 
Upon their head
Or cut their hair or not 
Or beard or 
Lamb chops 
Or not
Why is it anybody's business 
But ours ?
I wonder 

This spinning ball 
We rest upon 
Will probably not be disturbed
By headwear
This corner of the galaxy may 
Get along quite nicely 
Knowing about 
The headgear perched upon
The puny 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

God bless us

God Bless Us Everyone

Sitting here 
Waiting for blood 
To be drawn 

I've been dizzy for 
     A week -
Dizzy broad !

Feeling very sorry 
For myself -
When -
In the waiting room 
The conversation begins 
With a gent 
Who's been diagnosed 
Cancer !

Oh good God -

The question comes -
Why do you do this 
To us ?
- An all powerful God 
Could just as easily 
No Suffering, No Pain -
Enough stuff 
For all 
Of us -

When u 
Sit on clouds 
All day,
Wave one finger
And galaxies spring 
Into being 

It is a lesson in letting 
Go -
Some say 
-this could just as easily 
     been mandated by 
     the flick of the cosmic 

Are we beneath 
Notice ?
God's own son 
Had to suffer 
So !
(Little birds and lilies 
Of the field 
Have every hair 
(And they toil not -
Neither do they reap!)

I give up 
I don't know 
And yet still 
Here we sit
Still -
On the horns 
Of the dilemma 

Maybe that's why the ancients 
Worshiped Bulls -
Two good horns 
To sit upon -

I doubt it helped much 
But probably better than 
Believing in absolutely 
Nothing -
At all 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

One thin dime

One Thin Dime

And "they" say there's 
No inflation 

WHY then 
Am I sitting here 
With just a few 
     Small grocery bags 
Filled with 
Nothing frivolous -
For so much money ?!!

This much money 
Used to 
the whole rent !
With utilities 
     Included !
One block from the 
Long Beach -

But there's no 

I bought some flour -
I'm Going to make 
Some bread -
That will teach 'em !

But the oven's broken -
Has been these 
     Many years 
If I buy a new stove 
That's a $500 loaf 
     Of bread 🙁 !!

"Can't win for Losin'"
As my daddy used to say -

He also said 
"A day late and a dollar short" 
"Once in a blue moon" 
"A month of Sunday's" 

But then, 
He lived through the
Great Depression 
And WW2
He must have known 

He said he started workin' 
When he was twelve

And an afternoon 
At the silent pictures cost
Ten cents
But that dime was made of 
Silver -

What was up 
     With that?

Purple Flame