Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Mother's Day 
What can I say 
Not all mothers 
Were really cut out for it 

But back then 
That was it -
No other choice 
But to be 
And not a member 
     Of it -
The greater society 
The wanna be 

Now I hope 
More choices are 

Roles not so 
Cast in 

Now I hope 
People realize 
Open heart 
Open mind 
Being kind 

Much better than 
Trying to keep up 
     With someone named Jones
Who didn't really care 

The old days 
Not so good 
In many ways 

Open mind 
Open heart 

Carve it out 
Find your path 
Find your way 
Your own 
     Sacred path 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Running Things

I decided to give up 
Some of my 
Campaign -
Some of my insistence 
That all things adhere
To my 
- my plan 
- my way 

Just some. Not all -

Just an experiment 
     In freedom 
Maybe I'm not 
     Running things 
After all 

Maybe some things 
Take care of themselves 
And not bother me 
     At all 
The drought 
Is a case 
     In point -
The garden gets by 
On much less 
There will be more gravel 
Fewer flowers 
Things change
The flowers that remain 
Looking all the more 
And joyfull 
In the sun 

I have fewer years left 
And I'd rather not 
Take myself seriously 
I invent some new project 
Which -
I discover -
Doesn't have to 
Be done 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Looking through old photos 
Wishing I could go back 
     In time 
And tell myself 
Lighten Up !!

Be thankful for what you have -
A younger self 
Hope and strength 

I always thought there 
Would be more 
There was something 
     I was going for
This and that 
Perfect bit of existence 
Would be mine 
     Give it time 

I had a sense of 
And longing for 
And always wondered why 
It all seemed so uphill 
And inflationary 

By the time we've got 
The money saved 
It costs more 

And there's no end to it 

I thought there'd be 
A light 
At the end of the tunnel 

Now I see 
There's just more tunnel 

With some light   Yes 
But the tunnel closes in 
And darkness begins to 
Friends of friends 
Pass away 
Have memorial services
Celebrate a life 
Well lived 

What have I done with mine 
How have I spent 
My time 

What choice did I have 
But to work and save 
Be the capitalist 
And glad to have 
A job 
Or three 

Why give us dreams ?
Joyful wishes -
And then 
Make sure they 
Can't come true . . .

But now I know a secret 
It's been a lifetime 
To learn 

There is another direction 
Where it all rings true 
There is an inner wonder 
A connection 
More important than 
Perfection in 
Material things 

Monday, May 4, 2015


Waiting for the rain. 
Waiting for the stock market to fall 
Waiting for me 
To get off of this couch 
And make some coffee

Waiting for an 
     Attitude change
Wanting this slight headache 
To turn into joy 


There is a dancing lesson 
At which time 
I will have to 
Forget myself 
And try hard to 
Remember steps 

Oh yawn 
Great and generous 

I take myself too seriously 
Or not 
     Seriously enough
I have begun 
     Not to care

But not enough!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Big, Black Hat

Just a description 
Of the biggest flipping cloud
I've ever seen 
Sitting up on top of the mountains 
Looking like a big, black hat 

I'm from Southern California 
Doesn't DO that !

And it rained
So hard -
The big truck I was going 
To pass 
Just moments before
Became a beacon
In the storm 
Hunched over my steering wheel
Windshield wipers as high
As they would go 
I followed those tail lights 
Through the storm 

Looking to the west a moment 
Later -
 there was light !

Looking to the mountain I was 
Going to cross -
It was black !

The sky 
So black 
And that pass is 
So high 
Tricky to drive 
At the best of times
- the rocks that would 
Come down - 
The lightening that might hit
And my little 

I looked up and some 
Part of me said no 
Really - 
     No !
Even though it would add hours 
To the trip 
-Already all day -
We turn around 
We drive toward the light 
We drive out of this 

The valley is long 
And beautiful
Cutting through 
With hills all around 
Really beautiful !
Why haven't I been 
This way before - ?
Hills and ranches 
And trucks snaking along 
A gently winding 
two lane road 

Thank God I got gas !

When finally I find the 
(I'll be home in a few more hours)
I'll never forget 
How good the smooth pavement 
Beneath the wheels of my
Just enough daylight left 
To see the beautiful hills and 

Home by 
Night -
Sunset in the 
Rear view mirror. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Return

I go -
I return to the life 
I live 
None of my problems solved 
Mail piled up behind 
The door 

I have a few new 
Don't let it get 
     To me 

Sit and contemplate

Remember what is 
Really important 
And don't 
Let others distract me from 
My life's great purpose 

Which is 
To sit 
And contemplate
The truely great questions 
Which transcend
Even language 
And mentation

Those questions which become 
And therefore 
All together


I have come here 
To discover the 

I valiantly begin 
And I am on the doorstep of 
Possible enlightenment 

I am told to
This shrine -
Which is Dedicated to 
Meditation -
There will be a class 
Now -
Meditation . . .

I arise 
And stumble out 
The world spinning 
Around me 
From my 
Quick retreat -
My heart pounding 
From the sudden effort 
Of arising from a zero point

This place is so 
Like that 
So many things so 

I am not even 