Monday, March 17, 2014


Some quiet time -
Retreat time. 

Of course
We know
Sometimes the mind 
Has other ideas

Sometimes the mind 
Has a mind 
Of its 

We are gathered here today
To see-
What's what-
To perceive 
The internal, eternal 

And they are there
Not so far away -
Once one gets settled in
Explores the place 
And has lunch ...

It will begin to dawn 
On one 
Oh. There is nothing to do 
No ringing phones to 
Attend to
(Hopefully beyond cell phone

No blue cross bill
To figure out how to pay
Or how to protest
Obama care. 

Not political 

Maybe they won't 
Blow up the world 
While I'm 

Maybe I will gain 
The eternal perspective 
And wallow 
In a sea of God's bliss 

If all 
Goes according 
To plan ...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Song Birds and Butterflies

Such a long drive 
I'm getting too old for this 
Out to the high desert 
To visit friends

Seeing the backs of the mountains 
Covered in snow 
Looking up from 
The sandy desert floor 
Joshua trees. 
Raise their arms 
To the sky

And we drive by 
The skunk works 
Some sort of place 
Where mysterious things are made

There are war planes and rockets 
Out for display
Spy planes and 
Bomb droppers 
Propped up in the desert 
Looking like sculpture 
Such things 
Having been the livelihood 
Of many of my friends 
And family

This one flew in such and such 
How many innocents 
Were killed 
By these 
And what 
I wonder 
Do they have 
What has been created 
Since ?

The technology 
Is mind numbing-
All a bunch of
Nuts and bolts 
Hurtling through
The atmosphere

Some very brave people
Flew these things 
Some very, very brave pilots
Willing to push "the" button
If they were told to

To unleash the wrath
Of mythical gods 

On the heads of 
And kittens-
Song birds 
And butterflies 

It's an interesting place -
This worlld. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Love is not for those 
- faint of heart
It is so uncompromising 
It demands of us-
All of us
It takes no prisoners-
It takes us all prisoner

It is maybe something 
We should have 
None of-
It is maybe 
We are here

The rest of life runs 
Before it-
From it-
It is 
A mystery

The beloved appears 
From nowhere 
And steals our heart 
And our sanity 
We don't know why,
-we have little choice 
In the matter 

There are lessons here
Things to do 

Something wonderful-

 to begin 
To get out of 
Our own 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Coffee house
Serving medicinal caffeine 
     And bran muffins

Playing old songs 
Through a computer...
Locals chattering on

Where did the time 
These songs are not 

I remember just 
I need to learn to
Play that one 

Just the other 
But life 
Got in the way. 

Now I limp 
A little
As I begin
The walk to the 
Coffee shop

Wondering if the bucket 
Will outlast me

Considering with sorrow
All I wanted to do 
All those dreams
Full of wonder 

Reminding myself to 
All the wonderful things 
I have done. 

And something-
Something wonderful 
Yet to

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day Trip

A day away 
A day to walk
A day to see the streams run 
Which have been dry 
For a long time
In south California 

Wild flowers will wake up
Small birds will call
And I will remember how 
I am a part of it all

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dear Mr Buffett

Dear Mr Buffett
Before u go 
Could u please
Leave me a billion
Or so...

I'm sure everyone asks u this
U must get tired of it
U've worked so hard for it!

What would my credentials be,
My resu-me?

It's here I stumble 
It's here I fail 
For I know the most 
Pale before me 
     -on a good day

I struggle to keep 
     The goldfish fed 
Plants watered-

But I do not 
     Give up-
That's one thing 
I don't do

I write this from 
The dentist chair 
My mouth all full 
Of goo

For it seems that I try so hard 
So seriously -
So sincerely -
     That my poor teeth
      R feeling the brunt
Of it 

Support for poets !!
This is an art
     They say...

Putting into words
The verities/ 
Of life 

And then there's 
The 600$$ dentist bill
I'll have to 


Having always 
Wanted to meet myself

Let me know 
If you see me...

Walking down a road
Or some other place 
Let me know if you see my face 

She will be a bit
Gravely disappointed...

But looking up 
To hills for
The one- from
Which comes
Our help

She feels she has 
Promised this-

She feels someone
     Must know-

She reads the books
She hears the talks
She wonders 
And she walks

Through the little 
No dogs to go along-
     Long gone

The best friends 
     Of this life-
Why don't humans
Get along
As well

If you see her 
Let me know

She's looking 
For her self

-they say
Has one-