Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Hundred Dollar Dance

The Hundred Dollar Dance
at the
Montecito Country Club...

and I fall down
like a sack of rocks
on my back walk
and the ankle gets twisted
my money
be wasted?

What will i wear?
Will I be able to dance?
"Mother" would be
     so proud...

We will get a glimpse
into how
the other half
(of course, "they"...
will probably not
be there)
We will only get to see
where they would be
on some day
when the place isn't
rented out
to the
wanna bees...

I will have
a glass of wine
(I'm planning)
and then
all will be fine

will my swollen ankle
fit into its shoe?

I have some nice
I bought when that store
-was going out of business
-in the depths of the
      Great Recession

I'll wear those
nobody will know
(they were 60% off)

It will be worth it
(I hope)
just for the chance
      to dance
it will be like
a vacation
from my hum-drum life
and from the housework
I haven't

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leela: This poem really resonated with me. I actually had my wedding reception at the local Country Club in a small town in Northern Ontario. My parents were not Country Club members - nor could they ever aspire to that lofty ambition - but they pressured an acquaintance of theirs for a favor - and so it came to pass - with me wearing (to save money) the white princess heel shoes we had bought on sale for my Grade 8 graduation many years earlier - a full shoe size smaller than my wedding day feet. OUCH!!! I was always taught that success is the best revenge. But (after many, life altering financial heartaches) I have come to believe that real success is in keeping-on-keeping-on - still willing and able to find humor in the petty annoyances and the spectacularly absurd. Because I believe humor unites empathetic people in their humanity - not success. I think you do that with charming panache.
